The Significance Of World Health Day and What Needs To Be Focused On

The theme selected for this World Health Day 2023 was to fight inequality worldwide. During Covid, the poor were dying, whereas the privileged survived. To get hands-on solutions, scroll down to read more.

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Revounts Staff

Published On: September 13, 2023

The Significance Of World Health Day and What Needs To Be Focused On

The United nation is an authority having the power to detect the problems that occur in this very world.

It works tirelessly to bring change in it through devising specific methods. It usually does so by building an organization that works across the globe and can unite people worldwide under one cause and help fight against it. For such matters, the United Nations has devised Sustainable Development Goals to cater to problems following people's orientations and involvement.

The SDG 3 is the goal targeting the health issues, and it works for the betterment and accessibility of options that brings wellness in individual and in the world altogether.

With the founding of the World Health Organization on 7th April 1950, the UN initiated the celebration to create an awareness of health among people in a much creative way.

Issues such as maternal health, mental health, and climate change are present globally, and much work is being done on it now.


What is the purpose of celebrating world health day?

Scroll down to give it a quick read to understand more. 

world health day 2021

Significance Of The World Health Day Around The Globe

People worldwide on 7th April 2023 are celebrating this day to create awareness among the people beyond borders on issues that are crucial to be solved individually.

As the times are changing and the world is coming closer, causation and solutions seem to be entangled so that no borderline is detected. With the evolution of the world, the problems created due to urbanization and migration require global attention.

As for the example of Covid-19

The virus originated from China took its toll worldwide. It was also said to be occurred due to eating contaminated food which is an issue recognized and dealt with on World Food Safety Day.

Highlighting subjects that are causing problems to the people's health, yearly eight campaigns celebrated to keep the importance of hygiene alive. The campaigns include World TB Day, World Immunization Day, World Malaria Day, World No Tobacco Day, World AIDS Day, World Blood Donor Day, and World Hepatitis Day. With its new theme each year, World Health Day focuses on the evolving issues the world is currently facing. Health day is incomplete without medicines, they play a major role in improving health issues. You can buy temperature controlled medicines at the comfort of your homes from Pharmacy Online

Theme For This Current Year

This year with pandemic crises, the world seems to lose much to it. Due to the variation of economies and opportunities provided, the poor seem to become the target of unjust and unfairness. Discrimination is easily detected by all. People in large numbers, including the slums, are having issues in management. With this year's theme, "Building fairer, Healthier world," the WHO is working on diminishing the inequality and trying to focus on ways through which all humans can stand on similar grounds and can get equal health opportunities.

Things To Focus On

  1. Take notice, realize the intensity

Take notice, realize the intensity
We as humans don't take things seriously until it has caused us much damage. Whether it be properly checking the food we are eating, the state of hygiene or cleanliness we are currently at, and doing exercise or any movement enough for each day. We don't take care of the pollution surrounding our environment or the factors causing issues in our body until the domain is damaged enough or the body has enough problems in it. If the authorities take the notice first and the problem management is proper, no further damage will occur afterward.

  1. Vaccination

Universally health coverage means that all people should access the medical services needed, including medical health workers, a clean environment, and proper medication, irrespective of their place or financial hardships. Due to either poor socio-economic background or some other reason, if the person cannot get access to proper medication or vaccination, the government must make it accessible to the individual. If the government fails to do it, it should be made accountable for it.

  1. Sanitization

Sanitization helps in stopping the growth of viruses and bacteria. Awareness of sanitization should be made familiar as people should be aware of the problems that happen if one does not take care of its environment and hygiene. Avoid contaminated food, use water that is purified, and properly dispose of the waste products. The sanitization can either use chemicals or sprays on surfaces at risk of catching germs quickly.

  1. CDC

CDC or the Center for Disease Control and Prevention helps control the outbreak of disease and prevents them from growing and spreading more. They are working worldwide for more than 60 years now and have been the center of catering and increasing the nation's health security. They work as the agency that protects people from health threats and provides suitable vaccination for them.

  1. Global awareness

Global awareness
The world is aware of the risks and dangers of not taking care of their environment and health through different programs. These programs either involve physical campaigning or virtual impressions, such as content posting either on newspapers or social media applications. Anything that can create an impact at a considerable level is a part of a global awareness program. 

  1. Join hands, eradicate inequality

Join hands, eradicate inequality
The world needs to come together, leaving their inequalities and differences behind eradicating the world's issues in total. Irrespective of the color, culture, or cast grounds, people should rise from these primary ground and tackle the issue as their own and fight through it as one whole. Leaving behind the discrimination marks, the current situation required the authorities to come forth and work for humanity instead of looking for their interests and benefits.

  1. Effective policies and rules

Effective policies and rules
As the world is under the continuous influence of one authority or the other, their goal should be to make the world progress. To make such policies and rules practical and helpful for the people to achieve one determined objective should be the aim for this international health day. Provide enough medication and places for the patients to be treated without worrying about their lack of finance for the treatment required. With more than one million slums and underprivileged people were affected only during the Covid pandemic, the problem's intensity does seem alarming. It shows that people who can afford medicines can survive through the bad times better than those who lack resources to resist it. The policies should be to provide primary health supplies to everyone equally.

The Final Verdict

The issues being created by humans or are naturally occurring, in any case, are considered among world health day facts as they affect mental and physical health that requires immediate attention. The problems are getting intensified each year. The complications are rising, and at times, the ways to find the solutions are not available. The requirement of desperate measures seems to be the only option to find the answer to this issue.

Keeping this in mind, humans can do the only thing while being in a global village to tackle the problem by coming under one shade and working together. With the world health day 2023 theme, it is a chance for us as humans to bring about change. The authorities need to come together with their effective regulations and investment in the health sector to promote wellbeing and create health awareness through world health day campaigns. By connecting as one, we can overcome issues, not all, but most of them.

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