We will appreciate and recommend all our customers to follow the below-mentioned terms and condition when visiting the Revounts website.
Revounts is the most reliable and benefiting discount coupon provider. Our website has enlarged the scope of affiliation with various merchants for different product categories. We strive for excellence and are focused on providing you with a perfect solution for all your shopping hassles, including a budget, time limit, accessibility and authenticity.
In this document:All the rights are reserved to Revounts. The content, recording, programming that is created and images that are being used at this site are entirely authentic. There are no interferences allowed in the website from anyone outside the organization. However, if the authorities detect such practices, Revounts have a complete right to take action on it.
You are strictly forbidden to use our data (images, blogs or any other content) or any other website or platform.
Whether it is you or the merchants, Revounts guarantees to provide complete data security. You can easily enter your personal information in order to fulfil your order requirements and delivery.
Revounts is considered to be the most reliable source for all your desired coupons and discounts. We make efforts to become responsive and provide you with the most affordable platform among all the competitors in town.
Considerably, if you violate any of the above-mentioned terms, Revounts holds a legal right to take action against it.